Specialist Provision in Westmorland and Furness

All schools in Cumberland provide support for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). They must publish a report on their website to set out how they provide for children with SEND.   

Specialist Resource Provision (RP)

Specialist RP places are for children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

Inclusion is about improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND. Ensuring, wherever possible and appropriate, they can: 

  • attend their local school/in their community, 
  • with the support they need to make progress in their learning, 
  • alongside other children/young people in their peer group. 

Specialist Resource Provision is a special program that helps special educational needs (SEN) students in mainstream schools. Students receive extra help and support to succeed in school and social situations. Resourced provision gives students extra help and support so they can do well in school. It also helps everyone in the class learn together. Resourced provision gives students with SEN equal access to education and supports them to reach their potential. 

A resourced provision is not always a separate building with a unique identity. There may be several spaces that can offer opportunities for students to join activities and learn with their peers. The time students spend in regular classes depends on their individual needs. For some, short amounts of time on a specific activity with support may be appropriate. Others may benefit from participating in one or more areas of the curriculum for increasing periods of time. Children and young people will have access to different resources. Some of the things offered may be small group teaching, speech therapy, and mainstream experiences.  

There are 8 resourced provision schools in Westmorland and Furness: 

These schools receive extra funding to provide specialist support for students who need it. We are looking to increase the number of schools offering resourced provision in 2024. 

Special Schools

Special schools are for children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

Maintained Special Schools are owned and maintained by the local authority 

Academy Special Schools are publicly funded. These schools have more freedom and control over: 

  • The curriculum  
  • school hours and term dates, 
  • staff pay and conditions. 

There are 4 special schools in Westmorland and Furness: 

Independent Special Schools are usually privately run for profit. The Department for Education keeps a list of approved independent special schools and post 16 settings. These schools are approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act.  

Admission to any specialist setting is by referral to the Specialist Placement Panel.  

Download our Referral Form [WORD 49KB] and Specialist Provision Admission Guidance [PDF 432KB] 

Page last reviewed: 22/12/2023

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